Sun Run training: Five tips for proper running form

Proper running technique does more than just make a runner look pro on the seawall. It can prevent some of the most common running injuries, such as shin splints.

Physiotherapist Helen Ries, owner of Sitka Physio and Wellness located in the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, offers Sun Run InTraining courses and running assessments. She gave The Sun some important tips for good technique.

1. The head position

The head weighs 10 or 15 pounds and because of our sedentary culture, Ries says we tend to let the weight fall forward, which can lead to tension in the neck and glute muscles.

For running, lift the sternum and the head will follow. Ries will often take a short video of a client running and play it back to show the trainee where the head is positioned and how the body is aligned.

"Lift that heart centre and the rest of the body organizes," she says. If your head is up, it minimizes strain on the hip flexors. Strain on the hips can led to Achilles problems and shin splints.

2. Mild release of tight muscles

This is not traditional stretching where you hold the position. Ries prefers a method of using foam rollers or different balls to gently roll the muscle so that they don't get too tight. This is particularly useful for office workers or those who sit all day.

"You need to undo all the sitting," says Ries.

The best places to use the foam roller or ball is on key areas such as the iliotibial (IT) band, the ligament that runs down the outside of the thigh from the hip to the shin (these often become is tight or inflamed from running.) Also use rollers on calves and feet for two to three minutes. Ries says runners need to strengthen those muscles for the ideal stride.

3. Foot contact

The foot should be in line with the hip, or slightly behind, but not in front. When you are running, says Ries, imagine your body in a straight line, leading from the sternum with your head up. Your body will be on a bit of a forward angle, then the foot is in line with the hip or slightly behind. Avoid the heel strike: Ries recommends mid-foot contact when striking the ground. The type of shoe you wear plays a role in how the foot contact is achieved. There are varying levels of cushion that make it easier to avoid heel striking, such as minimalist shoes. Barefoot running may work well for some, but it's not appropriate for most people, and Ries says neither is a shoe with a full heel cushion. She usually recommends something in between for most runners.

4. Strengthen your upper body

Keeping your upper body more active can also help prevent common running ailments.

"Running is an activity that involves the whole body," says Ries. "If your upper body is stronger, you can keep your head in a better position."

She recommends running with your fingers spread to activate arm muscles. Also taking extra classes can help, such as yoga and Pilates, to keep your upper back strong. She says muscles between the shoulder blades can become weak from the head tilting forward. Also, having strong abdominal muscles allows runners to keep their body upright and erect.

5. Cadence

This means the number of times your foot hits the ground in a minute. Even for beginners, it should be 180 steps in a minute, says Ries. At her clinic, Ries will often clap her hands and do a 30-second count so clients can hear the cadence. It's good to get participants thinking about it early on in their InTraining, she says. It works out to about 40 to 45 steps for one foot in 30 seconds. There are also different apps for your smartphone, including ones where you can choose music to go with a 180-step rate.[1]


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Sun Run training: Five tips for proper running form Rating: 4.5 Posted by: kriswebid

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