5 tips from The Brunch Boys to help you step up your brunch game


Look, we could all use some advice on how to step up our brunch[1] game.

Jeremy Jacobowitz, President of Brunch Boys[2] and all around brunch expert, chatted via email with Mashable to give some inside tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your dining experience.

Jacobowitz's website and social media accounts offer a wealth of information for anyone who wants to sleep in and channel their inner food connoisseur.

He gave Mashable five personal pointers on how to eat out Brunch Boys style:

1. Do your research

Social media can be one of you biggest allies when it comes to dining out.

"Looking for a spot, the first thing I want to know about is what dishes am I going to have my eye on," Jacobowitz said. "I usually go on the Instagram geotag for the place and take a peek at what everyone else is taking a picture of."

2. Ask for recommendations

"At any restaurant, I love asking the server what dish is the one that I will leave regretting that I didn't try," Jacobowitz said. "And if it comes down to a few dishes, I always ask them which one looks the prettiest."

3. Don't be afraid to take a picture that actually does your food justice

Admit it, we've all experienced the desire to take a picture of our food in a public place. And it's usually followed by the thought of how embarrassing it would be if anyone actually caught you in the act.

Well Jacobowitz doesn't care who sees him snapping some food porn and he says you shouldn't either.

His Instagram page[3], which began with humble smartphone photos, has transformed into a professional account with just over 51,000 followers.

"Now, I run around with a professional camera, tripod, lights on occasion and whatever else I can get my hands on," Jacobowitz said. "Diners at these restaurants must think I'm a lunatic."


Image: Jeremy Jacobowitz

4. Share the love

Document your dining experiences so that you (and others) can look back on them and salivate.

Jacobowitz said you should tag restaurants in your photos, write reviews and tell friends.

He has taken this concept to the next level, and even set up a feature on his site that breaks down restaurants he has visited by state[4] for easy searching.

By clicking on a restaurant you can see mouthwatering photos of Jacobowitz's order, along with a short blog post detailing his favorite food, drinks and desserts. With inside info like this, you can spend more time eating and less time agonizing over the menu.


5. If you're brunching, don't make plans afterwards

"My last tip is don't make post brunch plans," Jacobowitz said. "Usually after a three-hour brunch of nonstop eating and drinking, it's time to take a nap."

After your successful dining experience, it's okay to take a break and bask in the glory. Like Jacobowitz says, "Thats what weekends are all about."

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.


  1. ^ brunch (mashable.com)
  2. ^ Brunch Boys (www.thebrunchboys.com)
  3. ^ Instagram page (www.instagram.com)
  4. ^ restaurants he has visited by state (www.thebrunchboys.com)

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5 tips from The Brunch Boys to help you step up your brunch game Rating: 4.5 Posted by: kriswebid

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