

We've all been there — it's the night before an exam and you just can't figure out how to solve that equation; your research paper hits a dead end; you're sitting in lecture and are completely overwhelmed by how confused you are. All of a sudden, you're wishing you'd asked questions or talked through your ideas with someone earlier.

Who better to help you out than students who have taken the class before you? How about someone who's helping teach the class now? Enter teaching assistants (TAs) – they're students, like you, but they know what professors are looking for, too. Sometimes their job is to help lead discussions, other times, they grade papers and assignments, and in some cases, they even teach sections of courses themselves.

But no matter what their role is at your school, they're a great resource for you. Five TAs shared their advice on everything from note-taking to thriving in the classroom this semester.

1. Prepare before discussion sections

"The most important piece of advice I have is to do the readings before class, so you can really concentrate on understanding what the professor is saying without scrambling to write everything down," says Maïté Van Hentenryck, a senior at Brown University and neuroscience TA.

The same goes for recitation sections.

"Focus on listening to the TAs instead of taking notes because many times, they go over major concepts and it's important to fully understand something, not just think you do," she advised.

2. Write what you know

Staring down a tricky problem set or a confusing equation?

"If you're given a challenging assignment, I find it best to write down everything you know about  the problem," says Zach Carter, a chemistry TA at Vanderbilt University. "You'll often find connections that you didn't before, and you can actually learn more in the process."

3. Ask questions early

Olivia Griot, a senior at Boston College and econometrics TA, recommends asking questions early — and often. 

"Make time throughout the semester to come and talk about what you are struggling with because if you don't understand the concepts you learn in one class, you won't understand the concepts in the next class that build off of the previous class, and you'll quickly become very behind on grasping the concepts," she says.

And remember — there's no shame in asking for help.

"A lot of very smart students will resist getting extra help because they think that it says something bad about their intelligence," Griot says. "Everyone struggles in certain classes regardless of intelligence level. Teaching assistants are there to help everyone, including the smartest people in the room."

4. Come to office hours

Office hours can be your best friend — if you use them well.

"If you're uncertain of where to start on a research project or paper, don't hesitate to ask the professor or TA for a little guidance," says Chelsea Silva, a PhD student at University of California-Riverside who teaches an English composition class. "Often, they'll be able to point you in the right direction, and sometimes their advice can save you time and effort. They're experts in the field; let them direct you towards the best resources."

5. Ask another TA for help

And if those office hours are during another of your classes? Hope isn't lost.

"If you can't make it to office hours, don't be afraid to ask for help. Many TAs and a number of professors will be willing to meet at a time that works for both of you," says FEric Reilly, a financial accounting TA and senior at Vanderbilt. 

6. Help yourself

Using your computer to take notes in class? Get rid of any possible distractions.

"Switch off the wifi so you won't be distracted. Try to listen more than you write, and jot down questions you have as you go," Van Hentenryck says.

How about what not to do? Don't wait until the last minute.

"Two days before the exam is not the time to start meeting with the TA [or] professor. It's too late," Carter says. "This is the biggest mistake that my students have made. They come to me the week of the test, hoping that I can teach them all of the material in two days. Gradual studying has been proven to be most effective, so listen to science!"

One last tip that's a little obvious, but always bears repeating: don't procrastinate.

"We all put work off, but the longer you wait, the more you and the quality of your work suffers," Reilly says.

Elizabeth Teitz[1] is a Georgetown University student and a USA TODAY College correspondent.