Here are 7 tips for you to help keep your child safe from strangers.

#1: Explain what a stranger is:Let your kids know that strangers can pretend to be nice. They may offer gifts and goodies. Make sure they know that a stranger is anyone they don't know.

#2: Take pictures of your kids often! This way, you always have a current photo of what he or she looks like if the unthinkable were to happen. If you a have a picture from that day, you'll also be able to show what he or she was wearing.

#3: Don't put your child's name on their coat or backpack. "Strangers" can use this to gain their trust.

#4: Agree on a password with your child so that if an adult asks your child to go somewhere, that person needs to have the password. Explain to your kid that he or she cannot go anywhere with anyone that does not have the correct password.

#5: Tell you kid to scream and yell if someone grabs them. Agree on a "safe place" he or she could go if they were to get away.

#6: Teach your child to be assertive and to trust their instincts. If something doesn't feel right, tell him or her to go with their gut and to get away. Speak up if something seems suspicious.

#7: Practice "what-if" situations often! Muscle memory is everything. Have your child practice what to do if a stranger were to grab them or ask them to go somewhere.